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Decorative textiles workshops

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Jane Vernon



Workshops in silk painting and design for textiles

These are the workshops I currently offer but I am happy to discuss other decorative textiles workshops if you have a request for another topic. My experience is with many different types of embroidery, fabric colouring and embellishment.

A pricing guide is given for individual students but I can offer special rates for group bookings for maximum 12 people. Please contact me to discuss details if you are interested in booking a workshop for your group. I also give talks at evening meetings of groups such as quilting groups or Embroiderer's Guilds.

Please contact me for any further information.


An Introduction to Silk Painting

In silk painting, the designs are created by drawing onto the silk with an outliner, creating an effect similar to stained glass designs. As well as learning how to use the gutta outliner and different ways to apply the paints, you will learn how to create the most effective designs. There will be tips and even cheats, though do bring any ideas you already have if you like.

Please bring a hairdryer if you can, to maximise the length of time which can be spent painting. You may like to wear an apron or overall as splashes of silk paints tend to be permanent.

I will provide all essential equipment but if you already have nylon paintbrushes in larger sizes, mixing palettes, etc that you like to use, you may like to bring them with you.

Whether you use this workshop as a springboard to taking up silk painting or a one-off experience trying something new, a day spent silk painting is relaxing, rewarding, inspirational and fun!


Further Silk Painting - One-day or two-day workshop>

This workshop is ideally for those who have already done a small amount of silk painting (though beginners can also be accommodated.) Although you can use this workshop for further experimentation, the day provides an ideal opportunity to focus on a particular project. Silk-painted panels can be used as pictures or hangings, as a base for stitching, for insertion into cushions, bags, garments and many other items and introductory workshops usually spark off lots of ideas for "what next." For those who have 'got the bug' last time round but don't feel ready to buy equipment and paints, occasional "further" workshops are a good chance to tackle new projects.

The maximum size of frame I have is 20" x 14" but if you wish to work on something larger please contact me so we can discuss whether I can provide a larger frame or if you have something suitable to use as a frame yourself. You can buy lightweight silk habutai from me as usual but if you would like to experiment with any other fabrics do bring some along. (If the fabric pieces are smaller than about 12" square, you will also need to bring some kind of frame, e.g. an embroidery frame, on which to stretch the fabric.

An apron or overall is probably advisable and please bring a hairdryer if you can. Also, please bring any pictures, sketches or other resources for ideas which you may already have.


Why Did I Put That Colour There? - a half-day workshop

This is a half day design workshop. This workshop is a natural preparation for the one-day further silk painting workshop but it is completely self-contained and may also be of interest to embroiderers, quilters and others. We look at how to plan colour use, designing for a specific medium (particularly silk painting) or project and cheats' techniques for producing designs. If you've ever said any of the following, this workshop is for you:

"I've got a picture, but I don't know how to turn it into a design."
"What colour should I put here?"
"I've spoilt it now!"
"What should I do to it next?"
"I wish I'd done it differently."

The workshop will include time for supported work on your own design projects, particularly silk painting, but can also be tailored to suit other media. Please let me know when booking if your interest is in designing for something other than silk painting so that I can prepare accordingly.



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Next scheduled workshops:

There are currently no open workshops scheduled but please contact me if you are interested in one of my workshops and I may be able to offer something.




Pricing guide:

One day workshops around £45 per person
Two day workshops around £85 per person
Half day workshops around £25 per person